a pastor in a church i occasionally go to went on a few weeks ago about porn, and the addicting downfalls of watching it. he went on to tell a story about how it all started quite innocently. he was surfing the net and a pop-up brought him to a site that had sexual content. afterwards he said he started visiting quite often, hiding in parts of his house from his kids and his wife while he visited more and more illicit sites. he knew it was wrong, so he decided to do something about it.
he signed up for what is known as accountability software. a good break down of what that is can be found here.  but basically it is a software that you put on your devices that send a report each day to someone you have decided can act as sort of a nanny to your searches. in his case, he choose his wife and his grandmother. he figured this would be enough to stop him, and it worked.

is it bad? its hard to say, but if you take the idea that everything is ok in moderation, a bit of porn is not that harmful. although setting a moderation button on something that can easily give you enjoyment is a tough proposition. it requires a bit of resistance, like having beer in the fridge if you are a big drinker or a box of doughnuts on the counter if you are a junk food fan.
and it also causes you to become less excited about normal sex.

according to a report in the Daily Mirror,

This means the brain needs more dopamine in order to feel the same ‘high’, which causes a person to watch more porn, German researchers found.

And a 2011 study, published in Psychology Today, found that these dopamine spikes mean porn-users start needing increasingly extreme experiences to become sexually aroused.
After being exposed to so many lurid images in films, men have become de-sensitised and are increasingly unable to become excited by ordinary sexual encounters.
Pornography is creating a generation of young men who are hopeless in the bedroom, the report concluded.