things fall apart. its the natural way. it comes slowly, but eventually. after they have grown for a while. the young grow. think of saplings or adolescents. the older ones try to simply occupy the space they are in. to not get knocked down, to stay in place. leaders of weak countries do this, they stay in place. even though they are falling apart, many try to remain. it is what happens to houses, marriages and companies that do not develop or get constantly fixed. they also tend to crumble. it will happen to you and I, it already is in many ways.

we can do things to speed this up or slow it down. but fate is written on the walls. time approaches us constantly, and with it, the eventual waring down of it all. band aids and small fixes is all we can do. there is no magic elixir that will remedy us. in some ways this is a relief. that all things pass. when you are aware of this you tend to relax and accept the pain, the setbacks and the reality of it all. you can see that everything passes, for better or for worse, and things are reborn and constructed in its place. and this is the way.

so balance is once again needed. with an understanding that enough is acceptable we need to let go of things and accept the fate of it all. to be forced to leave the world is not a punishment but a reward of sorts, hard for the ones we leave behind but a blessing to relieve the pain and hardships that life is full of. lower the bar and accept the situations at hand. its easier this way. if we know that suffering is universal, and that desire to rid of that suffering is part of it all, the accept it for all it is…is a way. and its the only way, none of us get out of here alive, this is certain.