a bank is a place where they loan you an umbrella and ask for it back when it starts to rain.

robert frost

Another day appears. One after another. You can wake early and watch the morning dew and soft light pour into your day, illuminating and warming the grass and animals. Come mid-day they will shield from the sun, but for now they are friends. Perhaps a gentle wind comes in, or a dry spell goes on, weather brings the change that permeates the whole spectrum. It is the background of our ever changing stream of consciousness we come in and out of. 

We fluctuate with this weather, with the sun rising and falling, taking much needed breaks in the on again off again circulation that constitutes our days and define our nights. Our own atoms spinning around their own core, there is no end in the relationships between us and our environment and the complexity or randomness in it all. Our bodies have their own weather permits, our own currents, all interconnected, working together. 

Its hard to let it all go, to let it come together or come apart. We try so hard to shape it instead of letting it shape us. To find shade when it is too bright and bundle up when it gets cold. We are at its mercy yet still try to tame it. We create small patterns in the flow, we wait out the storms and harness the winds, we are adapting solar for our own energy while we speed into a future where we too will create our own currents and waves, as part of the system as the system itself, we are the whole world happening to itself. Warming from the sun, cooling off in the night, we follow the patterns provided by this world we came out of.