we produce so much, have kids, pave over the surface of the earth, we want the pest to stay away from us. we build fences to keep the animals in, to keep the animals out. we try to fix our wrongs, we steer the water and preserve our foods. in our spare time we tend to sit down and relax. we might read a book, call a friend of watch some tv. we think about what we have done in days past, what remains to be done. we get bothered if things are out of order, if someone or something is getting in our way. like a beaver with his dam, we like to make our own homes and trap what is coming towards us. we save these things, put them in drawers and boxes, the fact that they exist comfort us.

we shape our lives in order to fit an idea of who we are supposed to be. we dress and drive in cars that we feel reflect us to a society. we gather like minded friends and form like minded ideas in a way to reassure us of our realities. if things are out of place we put them in some of order that works for us. we are all mad but not insane.

collecting pieces along the way, the puzzle of life is never really complete for us. missing pieces all around, gauges that go up and down and instructions that keep changing. this game of life we play is long and really without a goal other then to simply play along with it. hard as it is, we find our moments of enjoyment along the way. even in its hard parts most of us tend to stay in the game, knowing the alternative is not a choice we care to look at just yet.

….did epicrus have it all figured out?